Take Care of Your Bones

By the time we reach our twenties, we have  reached our peak bone density and it has actually begun a slow decline. We know that getting plenty of calcium, vitamin D and weight bearing exercise helps to keep our bones strong.

Get The Right Calcium

Calcium citrate has long been an established and effective form of calcium, but now there is a new kind of calcium that research has shown to be more effective than any other calcium available.  A new form of algae based calcium, called AlgaeCal is sourced from pristine beaches in South America.  AlgaeCal is a cold processed plant based mineral source containing      calcium as well as 74 trace minerals.  A unique feature of AlgaeCal  is that it is very porous, allowing for 74% calcium absorbability and 97% dissolution in 30 minutes. Yogurt, for example, has only 43% absorbability.  AlgaeCal can be found in New Chapter’s Bone Strength.

AlgaeCal Research

A University of Texas study involving postmenopausal women had a 1.4% gain in bone density within 6 months of using AlgaeCal instead of the predicted  loss of 1%, totaling 2.4% increase above the expected outcome.  That study used AlgaeCal in a formula containing 400IU of vitamin D3.  It has now been studied in an improved formula with 1,600IU of vitamin D3, vitamin K2, magnesium and strontium as well as other important bone support minerals.  The new formula with higher vitamin D levels resulted in increased bone density of 4.3% when taken consistently.

Vitamin K for Bones

Vitamin K2 is crucial for bone density because it activates proteins that remove  calcium from the wrong places, like artery walls, and deposits it in the right places, like bones.  It is beneficial both from a bone and a cardiovascular standpoint.  Researchers found than 45mcg MK-4 type Vitamin K2 prevented additional  fractures in patients with osteoporosis. The stronger MK-7 Vitamin K2 type has been shown to increase bone formation when combined with Vitamin D.  For those with specific bone density concerns, we recommend adding extra Vitamin K2 to New Chapter’s Bone Strength.

Collagen For Bone Density

When your skin starts to wrinkle, this means you’re losing  the stretchy protein collagen from your skin.  When this happens, you can bet you are losing collagen from other important areas,  such as your bones.   As you lose bone collagen, calcium loses it’s place to be in the bones and you lose bone density.    A specific kind of the mineral silica called choline-stabilized orthosilic acid (also called ForteSil) is uniquely effective for  raising  collagen levels.  In a study, a group of women with osteopenia were given calcium and  vitamin D, and a second group were given calcium, vitamin D, and 6mg Fortesil.  The ForteSil group had much more of a marker for bone collagen production and showed a highly significant increase of 2% bone density over control group.