Month: December 2020

Older folks Sleep Support Supplements

Melatonin – Much More than Sleep

The hormone serotonin converts to melatonin at night and promotes restful sleep. Lack of sleep exacerbates inflammation, the stress hormone cortisol, and high glucose and fat levels in the body….

Ask Mark Weight Loss

How to Prevent Holiday Weight Gain

How many holidays have you put on extra weight that takes months to get off? No one likes having the look of excess weight, but more importantly the result of…

Supplements Vitamin News

Quercetin – The Super in Superfoods

Quercetin is an important molecule responsible for the vivid colors found in many fruits and vegetables called flavonoids and is abundant in the human diet. It also possesses antioxidant and…

Bone and Joint Health

Healthy Joints – The How-To Strategy

Joints are made of cartilage which is formed from collagen tissue. When the cartilage gets thin, cushioning can be lost and the body may deposit calcium in the joints resulting…