Category: Women

Core Health Healthy Aging Men's Health Women

Support Healthy Aging

Healthy aging involves genetics, diet, lifestyle and supplementation with molecules that support cellular health. As humans age, the production of beneficial molecules and proteins decreases. Taurine is an amino acid…

Blood Sugar Support Bone and Joint Health Older folks Women

Blood Sugar and Bone Health

The risks of elevated blood sugar are well documented and well known. However, there is another risk associated with high glucose—bone loss and impaired bone health. In those with Type-2…

Older folks Urinary Health Women

Urinary Tract Health

Women experience a 50% risk of urinary tract infection over their lifetime and 20-30% of women will experience recurrent UTIs. While the risk of UTIs is lower in men, 20%…

Menopause Sleep Support Vitamin News Women

Insomnia and Vitamin E

A woman’s body endures numerous hormonal changes as it transitions from the reproductive years to menopause, and as a result many women experience alterations in cognition, mood, body composition, and…