The Scaffolding of You: Collagen

For years, collagen has been marketed toward women, advertised as the ultimate anti-aging solution for hair, skin and nails. What most Sundrops customers are surprised to hear is that collagen is actually the major structural protein of the body, crucial for the scaffolding of our bodies.

Types of Collagen:

As previously mentioned, collagen is integral for the structure of the human body. There are over 16 different types of collagen, but approximately 90% in our body is composed of Types I, II and III.

Type I: Used as reinforcement in bones, skin, tendons, ligaments, soft connective tissue, teeth, and cartilage. It is made of fibers that are packed tightly together.

Type II: This more loosely packed collagen is used to form the elastic cartilage that surrounds joints. Type two is used predominantly for protection from high impact.

Type III: Provides structure for hollow body systems like blood vessels, the bowel, and is a major component of skin. It also helps with wound healing.

How Collagen is Manufactured:

Collagen is manufactured from a few different molecules that we consume on a regular basis. When we consume proteins, our bodies break it down into building blocks called “amino acids.” These building blocks use several other molecules to form an actual collagen protein strand.

  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a cofactor for two major amino acid structures that stabilize the collagen molecule and plays a role on collagen gene expression (whether or not you produce it).
  • Zinc: This multi-purposeful mineral has been studied to decrease collagen breakdown in the body and stimulate collagen synthesis.
  • Copper: The formation of mature collagen can be controlled by the availability of copper. Too little copper can mean decreased collagen production. It is widely available from green vegetables and nuts.
  • Silicon: The third most abundant trace element in the human body, silicon is important for creating collagen and activating enzymes that improve skin strength and elasticity.

Damaging Factors:

Collagen can be damaged and production can be slowed with consumption of refined sugars, extended exposure to the sun and UV rays, and smoking.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult with your doctor before starting a new supplement.