Maintaining Bone Density

Loss of bone density usually occurs as hormones decrease, though some medications or medical treatments can be disruptive.  Women can often have rapid bone loss post menopause.  One of the primary reasons this happens is hormone reductions which cause an increase in inflammation, specifically Nuclear Factor Kappa-b (NFK-b). This causes a genetically driven increase in the osteoclast cells that remove minerals from the bones.  While osteoclast cells are part of the normal bone remodeling process along with the mineral adding osteoblast cells, this menopausal initiated imbalance is a major contributor to bone loss.  The other major factor is significant post menopausal reduction in the formation of the most abundant protein in the body, collagen.  Since the bones are approximately 90% collagen, when combined with elevated osteoclast cells, it becomes clear how bone density can be lost.

The 3 Part Supplemental Molecule Strategy

  • Reduce Inflammatory Enzyme Activity and Support Omega 3 Fats…

                Novasol Curcumin reduced the COX-2 enzyme without side effects.

               ApresFlex Boswellia reduced the 5LOX enzyme.

              Fish oil capsules up to 2,000 mg of omega 3 or wild salmon most days

  • Make More Collagen…

               Amino Sculpt liquid collagen peptides at 1-2oz per day

              Choline Stabilized Silica at one per day

             Copper from green vegetables and nuts

            Vitamin C to put dietary protein in the active form to make collagen

  • Get Minerals to the Bones…

              Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 in the MK-7 form are needed to deliver minerals to the bones.

              Red Algae Calcium, Magneisum Taurate and Zinc Chelates are well absorbed mineral forms.  Balance dose with dietary sources.

Other Factors…

  • Load Bearing Exercise…

               Body or Exercise Weights help create demand to build bone

  • Eat This Low Inflammatory/High Flavonoid Diet…

               Lean Protein and Fatty Fish

              Green Vegetables and Berries in a large variety and quantity while limiting sugar, starches and alcohol.

             Omega 9 Fatty Acids from Extra Virgin Olive and Avocado Oils, Almonds, Pecans and Pistachios

  • Lifestyle Issues that reduce Inflammation…

              Sleep 7-8 hours, lower Stress and Body Fat


References available upon request. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Research, nutritional information and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your physician before initiating any new dietary or supplement program.